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It is recommended to do the raid with other players. Quake raids are pretty hard to complete due to the damage the NPCs and the boss deal.hard to use in Water, unless you have Shark V2/V3.Good for 1v1s but not as good when facing teamers. Dual Tsunami and Seaquake's tsunamis cannot hit elevated heights and can be easily dodged with Superhuman Z or C, Angel race, or a flight move by going up.


Awakened V's cool down has been reduced considerably as of Update 15.Very good for raids (Massive hit boxes, huge AoE and damage).Decent for farming (not that bad because of its great AoE and damage).And op for 2v2's because during Z your teammate can still hit the enemy that you used with Quake Z causing a inf combo. Awakened Z gives damage immunity when you hit a target, making this move very useful in 1v1s.Medium mastery requirements for skills.Awakened Z and awakened V are good combo starters. Good for combos as it has great combo potential.if they're above the sea), the tsunamis and ground smash won't show, thus making the move useless. If the user isn't able to touch the ground (e.g. If this move is used in the air, the user will come down onto the ground at a high speed and then smash the ground. The user smashes the ground, stunning the opponent(s) and dealing damage while also bringing forth four slightly bigger tsunamis, each coming from every direction (causes stuns and shaking).

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